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Timebank Clock on wall

Using time instead of money as a currency, members of a Timebank exchange skills, time and knowledge.


Everyone has talents and abilities to share: timebanking is a great way for people to benefit and learn from one another.

Taranaki TimeBank

Rarangahia Tātou
Putting the Unity Back Into CommUNITY

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Everyone’s time is
valued equally.

One hour of work earns one time credit, for any skills exchanged.

Your Timebank account keeps track of your time credits, you exchange these for services offered by other members.

Tātou, tātou.
Timebanking benefits us all.

Members have helped each other get to the supermarket, fix bikes, learn languages and get job advice.


Many have enjoyed sharing their sewing, music, cooking and photography skills.


The possibilities are endless. You choose what you’d like to offer and request things that matter to you.

Taranaki Timebank NZ
Laptop hands

One Hour’s Work = One Time Credit

  • You earn credits by doing something for someone else.

  • You use your credits when somebody else does something for you.

  • Timebank members make offers and requests.

  • An offer is something that you can do for someone else.

  • A request is something that you’d like someone to do for you.

  • Hours are logged through our online system. This keeps track of all your trading.

Trades might look like this:

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What's important to you?

We love this short video made by Guelph-Wellington Timebank in Canada, because it described so well the history, values and vision for Timebanking not only in Aotearoa, but globally. Timebanking is a movement that provides enormous value and pride to communities involved.

Is Timebank right for you? Use this quick checklist to join with confidence

Get your free checklist by leaving your email here and sign up for regular Timebank newsletters.

Taranaki Timebank

Rārangahia Tātou - Putting the unity back in CommUNITY


©2023-2024 by Taranaki Timebank

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